Tuesday 11 March 2014



Barcelona is "a beautiful and accessible modern city with great food, museums and Gaudi architecture." It's also the "perfect beach city" where "the party never ends." "It is both a 24-hour metropolis and a family-oriented city. It is both easy to travel by public transportation,and glorious to walkabout." "Explore the Old City by yourself," one reader recommends. "By the time you untangle yourself from the winding ramblas, you'll have a slew of friends."


 Explore Gaudí and modernism

Without a doubt, one of Barcelona's top attractions for tourists (as well as for those who live here) is admiring the city's modernist architecture, and the works of Antoni Gaudí in particular. Just walking around you'll come across various examples of Gaudí's work throughout the city, be they civil or religious buildings. The most famous are the Sagrada Família, impressive both outside and in; Park Güell, a space that's out of a fairy tale and emulates an English garden city; and La Pedrera. But don't miss the opportunity to visit other Gaudí buildings that sometimes occupy smaller space in guidebooks, such as Palau Güell, Casa Batlló, Casa Vicens and (if you have time to venture a bit outside Barcelona) the crypt of the Colònia Güell, in Santa Coloma de Cervelló.

Hit a high note in concert

 Barcelona has its fair share of live music venues, such as Razzmatazz and Apolo, but the city boasts some wonderful concert halls as well. The Gran Teatre del Liceu is a survivor in splendor, decorated with gold leaf, plush red carpets and ornate carvings. Don't shy away from checking out the programme, as tickets are not always as expensive as you might think, and it's a space that's definitely worth a visit. Then there's L'Auditori, a sleek space with a capacity for 2,400 concert-goers, and not just fans of classical - they also host jazz and world music performances, among others. The Palau de la Música Catalana is celebrated for its modernist architecture and for the sheer number of concerts it hosts. Barcelona is also home to several international music festivals, including Primavera Sound, the Festival Internacional de Jazz de Barcelona, Sónar and Cruïlla, among others.

Discover your sweet tooth

Barcelona is the perfect place to indulge in sweet treats. You'll be spoilt for choice with its selection of confectionery shops. For posh chocolates in fancy packaging, head to Escribà; for cooked candy visit Papabubble, where you can see the sweets being rolled in front of your eyes; and Bubó is where every bonbon is a work of art. If you're in town during winter and fancy a hot chocolate, stop by the milk bar La Granja or any of those along C/Petritxol.



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